
Si los ojos son las ventanas del alma, entonces seguramente las ventanas de una casa son una puerta de entrada a la esencia, el alma, del hogar. No es de extrañar que la forma en que se visten las ventanas sea una de las decisiones de decoración más importantes que enfrenta el propietario.
En este artículo, podrá ver docenas de cortinas para una variedad de habitaciones, con imágenes útiles para capturar la esencia de la habitación. Desde cortinas que fluyen hasta persianas de cerillas, puede encontrar los tratamientos de ventana perfectos para decorar su hogar.
Los tratamientos de ventanas son más que una decisión de decoración; también son muy prácticos. Las cortinas, persianas, persianas, contraventanas, o cualquier combinación de estos adornos para ventanas, también deben tener un fin funcional:admitir o bloquear la luz solar y brindar privacidad. Los tratamientos de ventanas deben hacer mucho más que verse bien. Deben funcionar bien, además.
Antes de decidirse por un estilo o buscar cortinas, los propietarios primero deben analizar sus necesidades. ¿Qué tan importante es la privacidad? Las salas de estar y comedor del primer piso que dan al frente de la casa, con vista a la calle, requieren un mayor escudo de privacidad en las ventanas que las habitaciones en la parte trasera o en el piso superior. ¿En qué dirección está la exposición de la habitación? Si está al sur o al oeste, se pueden desear tratamientos de ventanas que cubran o bloqueen la luz solar intensa. En climas fríos, las ventanas con orientación norte pueden necesitar un tratamiento de ventana con un alto factor térmico para la eficiencia energética.
Y algunas ventanas requieren una consideración práctica adicional:la arquitectura de la ventana. Algunas ventanas son inherentemente más atractivas que otras. Cuando la ventana en sí resta valor al espacio en lugar de agregarlo, ya sea que sea achaparrada, demasiado delgada, sin molduras de madera atractivas o colocada de manera incómoda, el revestimiento de la ventana puede camuflar las imperfecciones arquitectónicas, haciendo que la ventana sea una característica visualmente más atractiva.
En el extremo opuesto, algunas ventanas son la declaración arquitectónica más grandiosa de la habitación. En este caso, se puede adoptar la filosofía modernista de "menos es más", incluso si el diseño de la habitación es tradicional del siglo XVIII. Es una pena ocultar la belleza de una ventana debajo de montones de telas adornadas, drapeadas y encharcadas. Un tratamiento de ventana demasiado entusiasta puede incluso dominar la arquitectura. Si dejar hermosas ventanas al descubierto no es una opción, se pueden vestir con tratamientos más discretos que complementen la arquitectura.
Una vez que se abordan las necesidades utilitarias de las ventanas, comienza la diversión:cómo hacer que la solución chisporrotee con un estilo personal, mejorando la decoración general de la habitación. Quizás las ventanas pueden incluso hacer la declaración de decoración más fuerte como la pieza de resistencia de la habitación.
Primero, decida el estilo de la habitación:contemporáneo, tradicional, campestre o ecléctico. Esto proporcionará parámetros para encontrar el escaparate apropiado. Las cortinas de damasco adornadas con trenzas de terciopelo, flecos de seda y rosetones decorativos obviamente no son una consideración para un estilo contemporáneo y aerodinámico. Para una habitación tradicional, las persianas verticales pueden ser una solución demasiado contemporánea, a menos que se desee un toque de estilo limpio y sencillo contemporáneo. En una habitación campestre, los tratamientos que transmiten el estilo (cortinas con lengüetas, paneles simples hechos de telas retro o paneles de encaje nostálgico) pueden ser efectivos.
También se deben considerar los adornos de escaparate únicos que desafían las convenciones, dando un paso al frente para la autoexpresión. Estos son especialmente apropiados en un espacio público ecléctico, o en un dormitorio, donde se pueden utilizar ideas más personales. El trampantojo pintado con un mural o las cenefas de madera cortadas a la medida, por ejemplo, pueden agregar carácter a una habitación de una manera que ningún mobiliario, por creativo que sea, puede proporcionar.
El color, el patrón y la textura son otras herramientas de diseño que juegan un papel importante en los escaparates. Si la habitación ya presenta un color brillante y audaz en las paredes, se puede preferir una paleta más sutil para el tratamiento de la ventana. O, para evitar una avalancha de un solo color en el espacio, se puede consultar la rueda de colores para encontrar los colores complementarios o análogos adecuados para usar en los escaparates.
En una habitación sin mucho patrón en las paredes y el mobiliario, las ventanas brindan una oportunidad ideal para proporcionar al espacio el movimiento visual y el ritmo que puede dar un patrón. Recuerde, también, que los tratamientos de ventanas pueden incluir más de un patrón, con estampados complementarios utilizados como tela principal, forro y adorno. Por el contrario, pise ligeramente con el patrón en la ventana cuando se haya incluido una gran cantidad de estampados en otras partes de la decoración. Una cacofonía de estampados mixtos crea una discordia visual con la que es difícil vivir.
Asegúrese de que los tratamientos de ventanas inyecten la textura adecuada para equilibrar una habitación. Con demasiada frecuencia, la textura se pasa por alto como una consideración, a pesar de que puede alterar por completo el ambiente de una habitación. Para un espacio duro, predominantemente lleno de madera, con pocas piezas tapizadas, seleccione telas para cortinas suaves y voluptuosas. En una habitación alfombrada con paneles de yeso o yeso en las paredes, considere persianas o persianas de madera para inyectar la calidez de los tonos de madera natural. O cree una mezcla de texturas en un solo tratamiento de ventana para brindar riqueza y profundidad de textura.
Cuando se abordan los aspectos tanto prácticos como decorativos, los tratamientos para ventanas se convierten en una de las declaraciones de diseño más efectivas en el hogar, expresando la personalidad de los propietarios mientras trabajan para satisfacer las necesidades de su estilo de vida. En las páginas que siguen, aprenderá a lograr el equilibrio perfecto entre necesidad y diseño, creando tratamientos de ventanas hermosos y funcionales que harán que cualquier habitación sea exclusivamente suya.
Para obtener más ideas de decoración en el hogar, consulte:
- Ideas para decorar cabañas
- Ideas de decoración campestre
- Ideas de decoración modernas
- Ideas de decoración
- Ideas para decorar la cocina
- Ideas para decorar el comedor
- Ideas para decorar el dormitorio
- Ideas para decorar el baño
- Ideas para decorar la oficina en casa
- Ideas para decorar espacios en el hogar
- Decoración de interiores
- Zonas neutrales
- Comodidad informal
- Tonos de tonos
- Enmarcando las persianas
- Telas fluidas
- Espacios cerrados
- Estilo del sudoeste
- De manera oportuna
- Patrón sin impresión
- Cuando reina la formalidad
- Ganadores por yardas
- Corazón del país
- Cubre las puertas
- Uniendo la Bahía
- Teatro tradicional
- Tonos de versatilidad
- Rincones estampados
- Contemporáneos de líneas puras
- V es por la Victoria
- Mirando hacia atrás
- Viendo crecer el jardín
- Tradición Perfecta
- Ambiente austriaco
- Tonos brillantes
- Atado y Verdadero
- Estilo Masculino
- Paradas de escenario
- Aprendizaje primario
- Pestañas de caída libre
- Acolchado con personalidad
- Tomando forma
- Reverencia a Living
- Salas recreativas
- Estilo de cabaña
- En el lado más ligero
- Tradiciones probadas por el tiempo
- Respuestas arqueadas
- Un tramo largo
- Estilo con cenefa
- Rostros familiares
- Buen ánimo en Check
- Clásicos de café y más
- Pura y simple
- Tonos con un toque
- Conjuntos emparejados
- La Huella de las Sombras
- Tradición Perfecta
- Robusto con rojo
- Pasado no tan valioso
- Todo en la familia
- Perímetros pintados
- Dos Pisos
- Una ventana con y sin una vista
- Plétora de patrones pastel
- Forma de boda para funcionar
- Anclajes personalizados
- Hasta el final
- Sombras estelares
- Glaseado en el pastel
Zonas neutrales

La ausencia de color en la decoración de una habitación no tiene por qué significar falta de estilo en las ventanas. Con un enfoque creativo, un tratamiento de ventana neutral puede ser uno de los más provocativos de la casa. El drama se puede crear con un patrón a gran escala yuxtaponiendo los neutrales opuestos de blanco y negro.
Cuando el único patrón en la habitación se repite en una silla, el tratamiento de la ventana se erige como el ingrediente de diseño más atractivo de la habitación. Para los esquemas neutrales más pálidos que apuntan a la tranquilidad en lugar del ritmo visual, los paneles de color arena o crema que están amarrados hacia atrás o con lengüetas en la parte superior sugieren serenidad con su tono recatado y la simplicidad del diseño.

Para obtener más ideas de decoración en el hogar, consulte:
- Ideas para decorar cabañas
- Ideas de decoración campestre
- Ideas de decoración modernas
- Ideas de decoración
- Ideas para decorar la cocina
- Ideas para decorar el comedor
- Ideas para decorar el dormitorio
- Ideas para decorar el baño
- Ideas para decorar la oficina en casa
- Ideas para decorar espacios en el hogar
- Decoración de interiores
Comodidad informal

Las mejores salas de estar reflejan los estilos de vida de los propietarios y, para muchas personas, la tendencia es hacia una mayor comodidad, lo que puede traducirse en un estilo de decoración más informal. En los tratamientos de ventanas, los detalles formales y las telas finas se reemplazarán con un estilo fresco y creativo y materiales más exuberantes y duraderos.
Los colores también pueden volverse más audaces, sin temor a violar las tradiciones eternas. Sin las restricciones de un estilo tradicional, una habitación informal puede incluir patrones más vivos, creando el ambiente para una diversión más relajada para la familia y los amigos.

Para obtener más ideas de decoración en el hogar, consulte:
- Ideas para decorar cabañas
- Ideas de decoración campestre
- Ideas de decoración modernas
- Ideas de decoración
- Ideas para decorar la cocina
- Ideas para decorar el comedor
- Ideas para decorar el dormitorio
- Ideas para decorar el baño
- Ideas para decorar la oficina en casa
- Ideas para decorar espacios en el hogar
- Decoración de interiores
Tonos de tonos

Así como los tratamientos de ventanas en general abarcan una gran cantidad de materiales y estilos, las persianas de las ventanas pueden venir en una variedad de estilos y ejecuciones diversas. Compatible con prácticamente cualquier estilo arquitectónico y de decoración, las cortinas pueden ser de líneas limpias y simples o muy decorativas y de formas intrincadas. Pueden ser translúcidos u opacos, planos o redondeados, estampados o sólidos.
Para una sala de estar palaciega que recuerda los grandes salones de Europa, una sombra transparente puede ser todo lo que se necesita en la ventana, lo que permite que el mobiliario y la arquitectura merezcan el máximo respeto. En una sala de estar en una escala más normal, las cortinas pueden llamar más la atención de la decoración como el punto focal, con sus exuberantes pliegues y pliegues.

Para obtener más ideas de decoración en el hogar, consulte:
- Ideas para decorar cabañas
- Ideas de decoración campestre
- Ideas de decoración modernas
- Ideas de decoración
- Ideas para decorar la cocina
- Ideas para decorar el comedor
- Ideas para decorar el dormitorio
- Ideas para decorar el baño
- Ideas para decorar la oficina en casa
- Ideas para decorar espacios en el hogar
- Decoración de interiores
Enmarcando las persianas

Las persianas, ahora disponibles en una variedad de atractivos materiales, desde madera natural y pintada hasta metal y tela, son una de las soluciones más efectivas para la privacidad y el control de la luz. Para los espacios contemporáneos, a menudo son una decoración de ventana satisfactoria por sí mismos, sin necesidad de tratamientos de ventana adicionales. Pero en una decoración más elegante, especialmente una con un rico sabor tradicional, las persianas pueden verse fuera de lugar a menos que se les dé un toque final de cortinas, o, solo por diversión, cortinas de imitación.
Debido a que las persianas brindan toda la función de privacidad y luz solar necesaria para la ventana, un tratamiento de cortinas sobre ellas realmente puede ser solo por apariencia:un marco decorativo que brinda la ornamentación necesaria que antes faltaba.

Para obtener más ideas de decoración en el hogar, consulte:
- Ideas para decorar cabañas
- Ideas de decoración campestre
- Ideas de decoración modernas
- Ideas de decoración
- Ideas para decorar la cocina
- Ideas para decorar el comedor
- Ideas para decorar el dormitorio
- Ideas para decorar el baño
- Ideas para decorar la oficina en casa
- Ideas para decorar espacios en el hogar
- Decoración de interiores
Tejidos que fluyen libremente

Nadie dijo nunca que las cortinas tuvieran que colgarse de varillas de forma fija. Una de las corrientes más nuevas en el diseño de tratamientos de ventanas, y que promete ser duradera, exige que las antiguas ideas de cortinas se deshagan de su estructura rígida por una que sea fluida y espontánea.
Este aspecto fresco no es exclusivo de ventanas en espacios contemporáneos o eclécticos, aunque es natural para estas decoraciones. La idea de una tela suelta es tan antigua como Roma, lo que explica el aspecto clásico que imparte este tratamiento de ventana. Con una tela de cortina que se eleva desde el suelo hasta una barra, que cubre la barra con un movimiento suave y tal vez vuelve a cubrirla antes de volver a caer al suelo en un segundo panel lateral, el tratamiento es, de hecho, la cortina definitiva. Ataviado con telas finas y galones con flecos, los cortinajes que fluyen libremente coexisten armoniosamente con los muebles tradicionales más elegantes. Sin adornos en una tela blanca limpia, las cortinas sugieren una sensibilidad contemporánea.
Para obtener más ideas de decoración en el hogar, consulte:
- Ideas para decorar cabañas
- Ideas de decoración campestre
- Ideas de decoración modernas
- Ideas de decoración
- Ideas para decorar la cocina
- Ideas para decorar el comedor
- Ideas para decorar el dormitorio
- Ideas para decorar el baño
- Ideas para decorar la oficina en casa
- Ideas para decorar espacios en el hogar
- Decoración de interiores
Espacios cerrados

No importa cuán inusual sea la forma de la ventana, las persianas de madera son una opción viable como tratamiento de ventanas. Para las ventanas de forma irregular, las persianas presentan la posibilidad de un diseño personalizado que va más allá de un simple escaparate y se acerca a una presencia arquitectónica más permanente.
Para una ventana arqueada de estilo palladiano, las persianas pueden crear uno de los motivos más perdurables de la arquitectura, el clásico resplandor solar. Las contraventanas con persianas estándar y las contraventanas batientes agregan una interesante dimensión lineal a las ventanas rectangulares. Y son prácticos:las persianas se pueden ajustar para bloquear la luz solar y la privacidad según lo dicte la necesidad.

Para obtener más ideas de decoración en el hogar, consulte:
- Ideas para decorar cabañas
- Ideas de decoración campestre
- Ideas de decoración modernas
- Ideas de decoración
- Ideas para decorar la cocina
- Ideas para decorar el comedor
- Ideas para decorar el dormitorio
- Ideas para decorar el baño
- Ideas para decorar la oficina en casa
- Ideas para decorar espacios en el hogar
- Decoración de interiores
Estilo suroeste

Uno de los looks más candentes en el diseño de interiores, el estilo del sudoeste obtiene su profundidad de una mezcla de influencias:los nativos americanos, la cultura del viejo oeste y los muebles pioneros. El estilo exige un tratamiento de ventana que sea robusto, masculino y fuerte, con una textura natural y terrosa. El resultado es una mezcla encantadora de rusticidad, nostalgia, colores tierra vivos y patrones geométricos atrevidos.
En la sala de estar, esto a menudo significa considerar una persiana o una persiana en lugar de un tratamiento de ventana de cortina de tela. Las cortinas tejidas con motivos geométricos de los nativos americanos y los estampados de pañuelos de algodón más extravagantes son excepciones notables. Para una sala de estar ya animada con un patrón y un color exuberantes, las persianas anchas de madera en su acabado natural son el compañero perfecto, agregando calidez y un ambiente rústico.
Para obtener más ideas de decoración en el hogar, consulte:
- Ideas para decorar cabañas
- Ideas de decoración campestre
- Ideas de decoración modernas
- Ideas de decoración
- Ideas para decorar la cocina
- Ideas para decorar el comedor
- Ideas para decorar el dormitorio
- Ideas para decorar el baño
- Ideas para decorar la oficina en casa
- Ideas para decorar espacios en el hogar
- Decoración de interiores
De manera oportuna

Agregar tratamientos de ventanas al comedor a menudo resulta un desafío, pero los comedores contemporáneos no necesitan depender de geometrías estrictas, con sus ángulos agudos y líneas rectas. Las formas concisas y los planos sin adornos de los muebles de última generación pueden emanar una gracia propia cuando se les dan curvas suaves en los lugares correctos. El papel de un tratamiento de ventana en un espacio de este tipo es doble:hacer eco del borde sutil y suave del estilo para hacer de la cena una experiencia sensual sin dejar de ser lo suficientemente fresco como para ser oportuno.
Un tratamiento tradicional puede interpretarse con éxito en un tejido transparente poco probable y vestirse debajo con un tono de forma única. O dale un giro a la tradición, volteando la tela para que se extienda desde una ventana inferior a otra superior para lograr una apariencia que es todo menos esperada.

Para obtener más ideas de decoración en el hogar, consulte:
- Ideas para decorar cabañas
- Ideas de decoración campestre
- Ideas de decoración modernas
- Ideas de decoración
- Ideas para decorar la cocina
- Ideas para decorar el comedor
- Ideas para decorar el dormitorio
- Ideas para decorar el baño
- Ideas para decorar la oficina en casa
- Ideas para decorar espacios en el hogar
- Decoración de interiores
Patrón Sin Estampado

Para los comedores en los que la textura es el elemento de diseño dominante, la madera es la elección natural como material para el tratamiento de ventanas. Pero también es más:es una oportunidad para embellecer la ventana con un patrón gráfico, sin una sola muestra de tela.
Así como las telas brindan una cantidad casi infinita de patrones para elegir, la madera puede brindar una sorprendente variedad de estilos. Se puede configurar en un patrón de cuadrícula a pequeña escala; puede ir largo y delgado con persianas de madera, que, agrupadas en un solo espacio, hacen una declaración horizontal audaz; o puede restringirse a paneles de rejilla a gran escala de estilo japonés respaldados con papel o tela translúcidos. Cada tratamiento de madera tiene un efecto completamente diferente, manteniendo su propio ritmo en el ritmo de la habitación.
Para obtener más ideas de decoración en el hogar, consulte:
- Ideas para decorar cabañas
- Ideas de decoración campestre
- Ideas de decoración modernas
- Ideas de decoración
- Ideas para decorar la cocina
- Ideas para decorar el comedor
- Ideas para decorar el dormitorio
- Ideas para decorar el baño
- Ideas para decorar la oficina en casa
- Ideas para decorar espacios en el hogar
- Decoración de interiores
Cuando reina la formalidad

Como el espacio donde los invitados se entretienen, los comedores requieren poner el mejor pie decorativo. Y cuando la habitación tiene un sabor formal con muebles de caoba oscura y pulida al estilo del siglo XVIII, ricas alfombras y relucientes candelabros con incrustaciones doradas, su formalidad también debe llevarse a cabo en los tratamientos de las ventanas.
Estas son las ventanas para telas más finas, cortinas señoriales y colores refinados. El damasco dorado que se vierte voluptuosamente a un lado antes de atarse en cruz en la parte superior es una declaración de estilo majestuosa. Otras telas formales (satén y muaré) se usan en conjunto en tratamientos más cortos que ganan su presencia elegante con el drapeado y la elección del material en lugar de la abundancia de tela.

Para obtener más ideas de decoración en el hogar, consulte:
- Ideas para decorar cabañas
- Ideas de decoración campestre
- Ideas de decoración modernas
- Ideas de decoración
- Ideas para decorar la cocina
- Ideas para decorar el comedor
- Ideas para decorar el dormitorio
- Ideas para decorar el baño
- Ideas para decorar la oficina en casa
- Ideas para decorar espacios en el hogar
- Decoración de interiores
Ganadores por yardas

Más que cualquier otro espacio público en el hogar, el comedor es para la indulgencia. Cuando el objetivo de la decoración es crear un ambiente en el que las comidas y los vinos se puedan disfrutar tranquilamente, la escena requiere un escenario exuberante:nada espartano en las cortinas o en las paredes.
La forma más segura de alcanzar este objetivo es utilizar generosas extensiones de tela como cortinas. Las amplias yardas de tela pueden acumularse en el piso en paneles o recogerse en generosos pliegues de tonos para un diseño tradicional; las decoraciones campestres francesas pueden presentar cortinas dobles y cenefas en diferentes telas para una apariencia lujosa pero no exagerada; e incluso un comedor contemporáneo puede ganar una sensación de opulencia con una pantalla profundamente abombada coronada con una cenefa bien fruncida en una barra de tela fruncida, en la paleta blanca nítida contemporánea.

Para obtener más ideas de decoración en el hogar, consulte:
- Ideas para decorar cabañas
- Ideas de decoración campestre
- Ideas de decoración modernas
- Ideas de decoración
- Ideas para decorar la cocina
- Ideas para decorar el comedor
- Ideas para decorar el dormitorio
- Ideas para decorar el baño
- Ideas para decorar la oficina en casa
- Ideas para decorar espacios en el hogar
- Decoración de interiores
Corazón del País

Con su insistencia en la comodidad casual y su suave recordatorio de las raíces en el pasado, el estilo country es el estilo de decoración de más rápido crecimiento en los Estados Unidos, y el estilo de decoración de ventanas no es una excepción. No es un solo look, sino muchos looks, desde oscuros y primitivos hasta soleados y caprichosos. Para un estilo con tantas interpretaciones, cualquier marca específica de país es de gran ayuda en la definición por la declaración hecha en las ventanas.
Para un estilo campestre ligero y extravagante libre de una repetición literal del pasado, las ventanas pueden presentar colores frescos y alegres en lugar de una paleta histórica más sombría. Una apariencia romántica y campestre favorecida en muchos comedores tiene su escenario con cortinas estampadas con cenefas anudadas. O, para una apariencia campestre rebosante de sabor antiguo, un simple conjunto de paneles adornados con flecos de bolas lo dice todo.
Para obtener más ideas de decoración en el hogar, consulte:
- Ideas para decorar cabañas
- Ideas de decoración campestre
- Ideas de decoración modernas
- Ideas de decoración
- Ideas para decorar la cocina
- Ideas para decorar el comedor
- Ideas para decorar el dormitorio
- Ideas para decorar el baño
- Ideas para decorar la oficina en casa
- Ideas para decorar espacios en el hogar
- Decoración de interiores
Cubrir las puertas

Las puertas francesas traen el aire libre al tiempo que aumentan el interés arquitectónico de una habitación. Pero a menos que estén ubicados en una parte privada de la casa, lejos de la vista de los vecinos, requieren protección de privacidad a través de cortinas, al igual que las ventanas. La idea de equipar las puertas francesas con sus propios tratamientos no tiene por qué ser abrumadora.
Considerada como un par de largas ventanas abatibles, la respuesta es una solución fácil de cortinas. Los paneles de tela visten cada puerta, tal como lo harían con una sola ventana. Una cornisa o cenefa en un material a juego situada sobre el marco de la puerta, para permitir abrir y cerrar las puertas con facilidad, actúa como un paraguas que unifica la pareja. Cuando se abren, los paneles permiten que el encanto de la puerta, además de la luz del sol y la vista exterior, se derramen en la habitación.
Para obtener más ideas de decoración en el hogar, consulte:
- Ideas para decorar cabañas
- Ideas de decoración campestre
- Ideas de decoración modernas
- Ideas de decoración
- Ideas para decorar la cocina
- Ideas para decorar el comedor
- Ideas para decorar el dormitorio
- Ideas para decorar el baño
- Ideas para decorar la oficina en casa
- Ideas para decorar espacios en el hogar
- Decoración de interiores
Puenteando la Bahía

Los ventanales mejoran la experiencia gastronómica al capturar las vistas al aire libre desde tres direcciones. Encerrando la habitación como brazos extendidos, también crean un rincón acogedor que es un hogar natural para una mesa de comedor, pero que puede representar un desafío para aplicar tratamientos de ventanas.
Aunque los tratamientos de ventanas de tela son una opción, las bahías conservan sus ángulos nítidos cuando están equipadas con contraventanas, que siguen con precisión las líneas de las ventanas. Las persianas de madera ofrecen la ventaja del control de la luz. Incluso cuando sus paneles con persianas están cerrados, las lamas de las persianas se pueden abrir para admitir la luz solar filtrada. Los postigos se pueden dejar con un acabado de madera natural, teñidos de cualquier color o pintados de un blanco aireado, opciones que se prestan para trabajar con cualquier paleta, cualquier estilo.

Para obtener más ideas de decoración en el hogar, consulte:
- Ideas para decorar cabañas
- Ideas de decoración campestre
- Ideas de decoración modernas
- Ideas de decoración
- Ideas para decorar la cocina
- Ideas para decorar el comedor
- Ideas para decorar el dormitorio
- Ideas para decorar el baño
- Ideas para decorar la oficina en casa
- Ideas para decorar espacios en el hogar
- Decoración de interiores
Teatro Tradicional

Taking their cues from the theater, dining room window treatments aspiring to a formal effect emulate the grand curtains of the stage. In a classic form, red is the color of choice, executed in a fine fabric perfect for an elegant room. To underscore the regal look, gold-colored hardware and silk tassel trim are standouts against the solid red draperies.
When the walls are part of the stage, covered in a vivid green-and-red striped covering, care must be taken not to overload the eye with too much pattern. Solid fabrics at the windows in a contrasting color are the answer. Elegant, pearly-white draperies that fall in full form as side panels with an upper swag relate to the room's white crown molding, weaving into the overall decor.
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- Home Office Decorating Ideas
- Home Spaces Decorating Ideas
- Interior Decorating
Shades of Versatility

Dining is an occasion requiring just the right atmosphere, and window treatments can play an integral part in attaining it. It's no coincidence that dining room lighting is often governed by a rheostat, allowing the artificial light to be controlled to fit the mood. What works at night also works during the day. Controlling the amount of sunlight spilling onto the dining room table during the daytime hours helps bring the desired mood for dining.
Shades are one of the most versatile window treatments and therefore merit special consideration in establishing the appropriate ambiance in the dining room. Bamboo shades, even fully closed, allow trickles of light to dapple the table. Fabric-covered or woven shades, pulled up only a little, permit just enough natural light to stream through at the bottom. Shades that roll down from the top instead of the bottom serve yet a different function, allowing in the light from upper windows while retaining privacy below.
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- Home Spaces Decorating Ideas
- Interior Decorating
Swagged Nooks

Running a close race with fireplaces and capacious closet space, eat-in kitchens are fast becoming one of the most sought-after features in today's houses, and demand appropriate window treatments. In the farmhouses of old, the kitchen table could be plopped almost anywhere in the big, square room. But today's kitchen eating area is typically a special nook sidling up to a large, sunny window or wall of windows all its own.
Since flooding the breakfast nook in golden sunshine is the object, ceiling-to-floor draperies that hide the light defeat the purpose. Shorter swags that dip across the width of the window with minimal intrusion -- perhaps nothing more than a nod at the center -- are the better answer. They can be knotted at the sides, draped over a rod in multiple fabrics, or swagged more formally with rosettes in a contrasting accent color. Whatever the specific treatment, these curtains provide a finished flair that's sunlight-friendly.

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- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
- Bedroom Decorating Ideas
- Bathroom Decorating Ideas
- Home Office Decorating Ideas
- Home Spaces Decorating Ideas
- Interior Decorating
Clean-Lined Contemporaries

Some kitchens are the coziest rooms of the house, where touches of whimsy, nostalgia, and even comfortable clutter can safely be indulged in. Other kitchens are the polar opposite:streamlined paradigms of efficiency, where contemporary crispness means leaving nary a ruffled edge in sight, making window treatment selection an exercise in clean lines.
In these sleek spaces, architectural blinds or shades -- paired with no other dressing -- make a compatible supporting statement. Whether in natural or stained wood, solid fabric, or the ever-popular classic white miniblind, these linear dressings echo the long, lean lines of the kitchen counters and islands and retain the minimalist aesthetic operative in the room design.
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- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
- Bedroom Decorating Ideas
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- Home Office Decorating Ideas
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- Interior Decorating
V is for Victory

A frilly, feminine touch at the window is in order for kitchens aspiring to a soft and friendly atmosphere with a hint of the past. Before contemporary architecture and design introduced their spartan, clean-lined looks, nearly every kitchen was adorned with a fluffy bit of fabric in the window treatments. By returning to the earlier ideas in dressings, windows can make the kitchen a truly safe haven, where time slows down and tradition abides.
One curtain design that brings a festive, old-fashioned feeling to the window through its shape alone is the V -- a form that spirals up or down the window to create a V from either negative or positive space. More than serious, straight-falling panels, this shape is ebullient. Typically trimmed with a ruffle at the bottom edges, it covers only a portion of the window, to let in light and views through the balance.

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- Country Decorating Ideas
- Modern Decorating Ideas
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- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
- Bedroom Decorating Ideas
- Bathroom Decorating Ideas
- Home Office Decorating Ideas
- Home Spaces Decorating Ideas
- Interior Decorating
Looking Back

Walk into almost any antiques shop and you're sure to find a section devoted just to them:furnishings, fabrics, and accessories from the 1940s and '50s. Window treatments are no exception. Baby boomers will remember some of these oddities first-hand -- the bright colors, chromes, and plastics that represented modernity, as it was known then.
But what was once a new design style has now become a vintage classic, not quite old enough yet to be strictly defined as antique. Brought into the home, these flavors of the not-so-distant past produce one of the hottest looks in design. Blending with today's kitchen appliances and architecture, they are infectious, spreading their good mood. Whether captured in spirit only, as a hand-painted valance that recalls the epoch's designs and palette, or in actual vintage fabrics reenlisted in a new role as window dressings, the retro looks at the window appear anything but old.
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- Interior Decorating
Watching the Garden Grow

Work in the kitchen consists of the all-important tasks of nurturing a family through the preparation of food. To be done right, these tasks require ample light, and proper light management requires proper window treatments. And because of the almost spiritual dimension many people associate with food preparation, most homeowners insist that their kitchens be cheery spaces bathed in as much natural light as possible.
As the light-filled, functional hub of the home, the kitchen can be spared formality at its windows with no sense of loss. And because kitchens are often at the back of the house, where privacy is greater, their windows may not need protection with a total privacy shield. Instead, window treatments can be completely casual and sparingly covered. Potted plants lining the sills can be dressing enough. With their greenery and blooms, container plants invigorate a kitchen with real life while the plants themselves thrive in the sun.

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- Country Decorating Ideas
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- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
- Bedroom Decorating Ideas
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- Home Office Decorating Ideas
- Home Spaces Decorating Ideas
- Interior Decorating
Seamless Tradition

In historic or older houses in which antique bathroom fixtures are an integral feature, a streamlined look for the bath may be inappropriate, which directly affects the choice of window treatments. The design goal is to create a bathroom decor that seamlessly integrates this room into the remainder of the house. Traditional design, replete with patterned wall coverings, arrays of objects, and fabric window curtains, is the optimum solution.
At the windows, this means selecting traditional prints for curtain patterns, then executing them in shapes that are timeless but still stylish. Success is determined by how familiar, versus how fresh, the window treatments look. Both choices shown here are winners.
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Austrian Ambience

Ruched from top to bottom, Austrian shades billow into puffy, cloud-like segments when raised, making them one of the prettiest window treatments in home design. They can accent any public space in the home, but they're especially suited for the bedroom, where their airy, sculpted shape suggests a lulling serenity.
Unlike a standard drapery panel, which has only as much dimension as the width of its yardage permits, the Austrian shade inherently has dimension when raised, with its bunched folds of scalloped fabric bringing depth to the window. The raised shades have the appearance of a decoratively shaped valance. But whereas a valance is stationary, the shades aren't fixed, but can be lowered to cover the entire window for privacy.
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- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
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- Interior Decorating
Shimmering Shades

Nothing dapples sunlight like matchstick window shades, making them one of the most versatile window treatments. In the bedroom, harsh light can be reduced with the shades closed while sun streams in through the cracks. The patterns of shadow and light that play upon the room are an ever-changing nature show. But there is one drawback:Because of their translucence, these shades won't provide the total privacy many bedrooms require. In that case, a supplement of opaque drapery is needed.
But for a bedroom that faces a private courtyard or an outdoor area otherwise concealed from the public's eye, nothing prevents matchstick shades from taking center stage at the window. Painted white, then paired with fixed, jumbo-knotted drapery panels that never close but really just frame the window, matchstick blinds create an ephemeral effect that's mesmerizing -- a plus for a private retreat. For a bedroom in which skylights are a major light source, the shades serve the practical end of screening light with no sacrifice to privacy.
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- Modern Decorating Ideas
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- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
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- Home Office Decorating Ideas
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- Interior Decorating
Tied and True

Just as hair frames the face, tieback curtain panel window treatments frame the windows, accentuating them while providing some desired protection. Unlike straight-hanging draperies that fall vertically from the curtain rod, tiebacks -- an amazingly easy addition to any curtain panels -- allow the fabric to take shape at the window, creating more visual interest than plain, straight lines. When privacy is desired, one end of the tieback can be released to free the drapery panels into closing fully at the center.
The options for tiebacks are wide open, but a favorite treatment is sewing the drapery accoutrement from the same fabric as the main curtain. To dress up the tieback, consider trimming it in a border tape that's perhaps repeated elsewhere on the curtain -- as the valance hem and inside trim. Or omit any stitched-on trim, keeping the tie-backs in a single fabric matching the curtain panels. Decorative flair can be added with a brass star pin.

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- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
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- Interior Decorating
Masculine Style

Decorating boys' bedrooms takes a slightly different mind-set from that used in designing younger children's rooms, and window treatments are no exception. As the maturing boy is coming into his own identity, he wants a personal room environment. Window treatments need to be more streamlined and to-the-point without froufrou decorative embellishments that may work for a younger child.
Shades or blinds, which have a more architectural appearance than fabric draperies, provide a streamlined, undecorated look and a masculine effect. Printed vertical shades in dark colors, neutral blinds with an unusual baseball-cap valance, and plain white shades tied with black ribbons over white miniblinds are all answers that meet the needs of a boy.

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- Modern Decorating Ideas
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- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
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- Interior Decorating
Stage Stops

A stagecoach valance is slightly indented by two straps hanging from the top to create a large central scallop. As a window treatment, it creates a playful look especially appropriate for children's rooms and gives a finished decorative look appropriate for either boys or girls.
A valance frees up the remainder of the window for a treatment that provides privacy and sunscreen, such as standard white blinds or miniblinds or even a simple lower tab curtain. In the room shown here, the stagecoach valance is made important with powerful patterns and special treatments.
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Primary Learning

As a palette for a child's room, the primary colors -- bold yellow, blue, and red, in their clearest, most undiluted forms -- are visually stimulating, attracting the eye of even the youngest child, encouraging him or her to investigate the environment. As colors for window treatments, an additional advantage is one parents will appreciate at budgeting time:Their purity make the primary colors safe choices for a lifetime of living.
Furniture may be updated to meet the maturing child's needs and wants, but the colors -- especially at the window -- can remain unaltered. A final bonus of a primary color scheme is its flexibility. Unlike a pattern-themed room, one decorated in primaries can take in all kinds of furnishings and accessories -- newer, more grown-up items can always be found in these three colors.
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Free-Falling Tabs

No curtain rings are required with these stylish curtains. Tabbed panels that fall straight down as cafe curtains form a clean and classic window treatment that is easy to make yourself. For a child's room, a vivid primary color will give the tab curtains attention-getting style. In home design, red is known as the power color.
Studies have shown that red stimulates the appetite -- and the imagination, actually priming the adrenal glands to get busy and go to work. Or you can try detailing that makes a difference -- a bright button fastening for each tab that relates to dots on the wall. Or you can choose a lively pattern that can't help but have an eye-popping effect.
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- Country Decorating Ideas
- Modern Decorating Ideas
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- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
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- Interior Decorating
Padded With Personality

Family rooms are where the family spends most of its time, and they demand window treatments that will stand the test of time. This is the space for kicking back and relaxing in an environment that looks like home -- and the personalities of the owners -- without pretense. A family room should be as inviting as possible by capturing the flavor, interests, and lifestyle of the owners, and it should be comfortable for real-life activities without high-maintenance decorating treatments that require kid gloves.
The window treatments are designed to meet both goals. The hourglass semisheer curtains in this family room give a one-of-a-kind feel to the room. Padding the cornice is a floral fabric that adds a sparkle of pattern and color without appearing fussy or in any way overdone.
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- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
- Bedroom Decorating Ideas
- Bathroom Decorating Ideas
- Home Office Decorating Ideas
- Home Spaces Decorating Ideas
- Interior Decorating
Taking Shape

Although color and pattern both inject interest into a window treatment, an additional element that's just as effective, though less explored, is shape. Instead of the expected straight-falling or tieback panels or architectural shades, shutters, or blinds that are flush to the wall, try a unique shape.
Fabric treatments that take their beauty from unanticipated folds of textiles bring visual life to windows. For the family room, curtains that use shape to express individuality don't have to rely on formality or a vivid pattern or color. Easy to live with, these shaped curtains add a sense of style to the family room while still allowing the space to be casual and comfortable.
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- Country Decorating Ideas
- Modern Decorating Ideas
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- Kitchen Decorating Ideas
- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
- Bedroom Decorating Ideas
- Bathroom Decorating Ideas
- Home Office Decorating Ideas
- Home Spaces Decorating Ideas
- Interior Decorating
Curtsey to Living

Most family rooms strive for a mood of graciousness and warmth, and need window treatments to match. As the space in the home where the family spends the most time together, the family room is ideally a beckoning area that invites plopping down and relaxing. Pressures of the world outside disappear, and family members can be themselves. Windows provide an opportunity to establish and enhance the mood of welcoming comfort.
The traditional swagged valance, with its dip in the center, serves as a metaphor for a bow or a curtsey to the important business of life -- being together with family and friends without inhibitions or pretense. The swagged valance pictured here is mounted in a simple, classic fashion, inviting families to get on with enjoying home life to the fullest.
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- Country Decorating Ideas
- Modern Decorating Ideas
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- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
- Bedroom Decorating Ideas
- Bathroom Decorating Ideas
- Home Office Decorating Ideas
- Home Spaces Decorating Ideas
- Interior Decorating
Recreational Rooms

The skimpily furnished, half-finished basement "rec" rooms that appeared in the '50s have grown into family rooms that are important fixtures in most homes. Increasingly they acquire more one-of-a-kind personality in their decor to reflect the interests, passions, and pastimes of the homeowners, and demand window treatments that accent and compliment this personality.
The sports enthusiast need no longer hide his or her zeal in the closet along with the tennis racquets and golf clubs. Instead, sports paraphernalia can be brought into the family room as a legitimate part of the decor, and the passion can be reflected in other design elements as well.
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- Country Decorating Ideas
- Modern Decorating Ideas
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- Kitchen Decorating Ideas
- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
- Bedroom Decorating Ideas
- Bathroom Decorating Ideas
- Home Office Decorating Ideas
- Home Spaces Decorating Ideas
- Interior Decorating
Lodge Style

Popularized by a number of manufacturers and designers several years ago, the lodge look is enjoying continuing success as a home decorating style, necessitating stylish and appropriate window treatments. A hybrid of sorts, the style is a cross between the decorating motifs from the turn-of-the-century Adirondackscamps -- rustic summer playgrounds for America's elite -- and ever-popular Southwestern style with its Native American and cowboy themes.
Log walls or pine siding, stone fireplaces, and casual furniture including any number of country antiques are elements of the look. At the windows, treatments that work can range from wooden blinds beneath a Southwestern-style cornice to simple country-style muslin curtains or plain panels tied back with horseshoes.

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- Country Decorating Ideas
- Modern Decorating Ideas
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- Kitchen Decorating Ideas
- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
- Bedroom Decorating Ideas
- Bathroom Decorating Ideas
- Home Office Decorating Ideas
- Home Spaces Decorating Ideas
- Interior Decorating
On the Lighter Side

Shades as a primary window treatment have the advantage of compatibility with a bleached, neutral design without much color. A starkly contemporary living area with crisp, white walls would fight against a heavy, eye-jolting window dressing. Even for a more traditional or transitional setting that exploits the tranquility of a monochromatic palette, shades are a natural, subtle option.
When the room's contemporary architecture includes tall, single-pane, stair-step windows, shades can provide the necessary privacy and sun-screening without causing visual discordance. Curtains would call attention to the irregularly spaced windows, disrupting the room's clean-lined flow. Matching shades add only a slight accent, disappearing unobtrusively into the pale environment.
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- Cabin Decorating Ideas
- Country Decorating Ideas
- Modern Decorating Ideas
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- Kitchen Decorating Ideas
- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
- Bedroom Decorating Ideas
- Bathroom Decorating Ideas
- Home Office Decorating Ideas
- Home Spaces Decorating Ideas
- Interior Decorating
Time-Tested Traditions

For a living room decorated with a classic camel-back sofa, a deep-tufted wing chair, and an 18th-century-style secretary, the window treatment must also be a classic -- time-tested and traditional. The trendy, the casual, and the contemporary are strictly off-limits in so traditional a space.
The perfect effect could be a double-tiered treatment -- either a stately shaped cornice board or richly undulating folds of swagged fabric at the crown of the window, flanked with generous expanses of fabric at the sides.

More finely finished draperies will bear dressmaker detailing such as a fringed border along the seams and at the top. To hang professionally, the draperies may be lined and weighted at the bottom. The final effect:a window that is appropriate for the traditional room.

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- Cabin Decorating Ideas
- Country Decorating Ideas
- Modern Decorating Ideas
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- Kitchen Decorating Ideas
- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
- Bedroom Decorating Ideas
- Bathroom Decorating Ideas
- Home Office Decorating Ideas
- Home Spaces Decorating Ideas
- Interior Decorating
Arched Answers

Arched windows that recall the Palladian style conceived during the classical age by architect Andrea Palladio are a favorite feature in new houses today and require special window treatments.
Though they bring character and charm, these oversized, round-top windows also pose a decorating challenge. Many homeowners skirt the issue altogether, opting to leave the arresting windows dramatically unadorned. Nevertheless, some approaches enhance Palladian windows without obscuring their inherent beauty.
One of the most elegant answers mirrors the window's shape in the window dressing. A rounded floral fabric cornice underscores the upper arch; vast vertical panels in a neutral fabric gracefully part, with tiebacks, to allow the majority of the window to be seen. Beneath the panels, a translucent valance dips down, cutting into the sunburst arch but not hiding it.
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- Country Decorating Ideas
- Modern Decorating Ideas
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- Kitchen Decorating Ideas
- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
- Bedroom Decorating Ideas
- Bathroom Decorating Ideas
- Home Office Decorating Ideas
- Home Spaces Decorating Ideas
- Interior Decorating
A Long Stretch

To most homeowners, a capacious, long-reaching window or bank of windows in the living room is a coveted feature, and window treatments should be carefully considered. These types of windows orient the house to its site, taking in the view and the sunshine. And it affords a pleasant spot for situating chairs for light-filled conversation areas or nice retreats for curling up with a book.
Wider windows require careful thought in determining just the right dressing. Draw draperies, for example, would result in nearly an entire wall covered with fabric when the draperies are closed for privacy. An amiable compromise between too much fabric and none at all is to include draperies as the window's frame only, with side panels that remain just that.

The window can be topped with a valance that takes an extra dip or two to cover the wide space. Pleated or vertical shades, which are much less intrusive than fabric, can cover the window in its entirety, providing privacy without being a decorative burden.
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- Modern Decorating Ideas
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- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
- Bedroom Decorating Ideas
- Bathroom Decorating Ideas
- Home Office Decorating Ideas
- Home Spaces Decorating Ideas
- Interior Decorating
Valanced Style

Valanced window treatments can say a lot with only a little fabric. One of the least understood precepts of good design is that it doesn't take a lot to say a lot. This holds true in window treatment designs, too. To call the most attention to a window, the dressing doesn't have to be full and flowing. Instead, it can be nothing more than a well-designed valance that highlights the architecture of the window and dramatizes the room decor at the same time.
A sure approach in using the valance successfully is to go for the unexpected -- perhaps a valance in a beautiful vintage lace, to stand in soft contrast to the geometry of a country checked wall. Or the valance can be the room's focal point through use of a totally different pattern and color from the dominant covering at the walls. The key is to venture outside the norm, into creative territory.
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- Cabin Decorating Ideas
- Country Decorating Ideas
- Modern Decorating Ideas
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- Kitchen Decorating Ideas
- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
- Bedroom Decorating Ideas
- Bathroom Decorating Ideas
- Home Office Decorating Ideas
- Home Spaces Decorating Ideas
- Interior Decorating
Familiar Faces

What's new, trendy, or clever isn't always what's desired in a room's decor, including its window treatments. Sometimes homeowners want their spaces imbued with the comfort of the familiar. Especially when dining, a homey atmosphere can be a plus, putting the entire family at ease. When this is the case, the windows, as one of the dining room's most important architectural features, have an obligation to set the mood with appropriate dressings.
Traditional prints call to mind memories from the past, even though they may not be exactly the same as yesterday's print. Curtains in a fabric with a navy background and a small, scattered print conjure images of an old-fashioned farmhouse. Used in a dining room with traditional mahogany furniture, they take the formal edge off the decor, making it warm and friendly.
But prints don't have to have a down-home look to be comforting; as classic patterns, they can still provide a cozy atmosphere -- even when the treatment is a formal floral swagged valance embellished with lace and flanked with floor-length panels.
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- Cabin Decorating Ideas
- Country Decorating Ideas
- Modern Decorating Ideas
- Decorating Ideas
- Kitchen Decorating Ideas
- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
- Bedroom Decorating Ideas
- Bathroom Decorating Ideas
- Home Office Decorating Ideas
- Home Spaces Decorating Ideas
- Interior Decorating
Good Cheer in Check

It's hard to be glum when greeted with sun-splashed kitchen window treatments checked in timeless red, white, and blue. Red and white checks are a classic country pattern that can be used in almost any casual environment to lift spirits with their simple, upbeat looks.
They're especially effective in the kitchen, where they recall the kitchen towels of youth, or the checked oilcloth tablecloths in intimate Italian restaurants. At the kitchen window, the favorite checked pattern is best delivered in a casual mounting -- as a cafe curtain loosely attached to the rod for a loopy look at the top, or, even simpler, as only a gingham valance dressing up the window with a few gathers and ruffles, kept carefully in check.
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- Cabin Decorating Ideas
- Country Decorating Ideas
- Modern Decorating Ideas
- Decorating Ideas
- Kitchen Decorating Ideas
- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
- Bedroom Decorating Ideas
- Bathroom Decorating Ideas
- Home Office Decorating Ideas
- Home Spaces Decorating Ideas
- Interior Decorating
Cafe Classics and More

Café curtains, small and casual panels of fabric attached to the curtain rod through a hemmed pocket at the top, are arguably the single most commonly used window treatment in the kitchen. Lending themselves well to smaller, more modest windows, they're especially popular for half-length windows above the sink or at an eating nook.
One of the easiest designs to make yourself, cafe curtains have been made by home seamstresses for decades. Although café curtains have a quaint look when used as the only treatment on the window, they are equally adaptable to coupling with another, fancier design.

Crowned with a scarf valance or a linen-covered shaped cornice, the humble favorites gain a new dimension, entering the realm of casual elegance.
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- Cabin Decorating Ideas
- Country Decorating Ideas
- Modern Decorating Ideas
- Decorating Ideas
- Kitchen Decorating Ideas
- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
- Bedroom Decorating Ideas
- Bathroom Decorating Ideas
- Home Office Decorating Ideas
- Home Spaces Decorating Ideas
- Interior Decorating
Pure and Simple

Window treatments don't have to be elaborate and dressy. Pure and simple window treatments are often the best kind to dress windows. Windows, especially those in a more private part of the house such as the kitchen, don't have to be adorned with swaths of fabric yardage or view-blocking blinds to be well-dressed. A handsome, hands-off treatment, with a full complement of variations, is a testament to the idea of simplicity.
Left as unaltered as possible, with the entire window frame and all lights fully exposed, windows in the kitchen are free to accomplish their most important function:admitting as much natural light as possible, showering the room in sparkling sunshine. One of several organic accents at the window is enough to give it a dressed look--a planter pulled up to the windowsill as an indoor window box, an above-the-window garland of dried flowers, or a dried wreath centered above French doors.
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- Bathroom Decorating Ideas
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- Interior Decorating
Shades With a Splash

The right window treatments can brighten a room -- even one that doesn't enjoy much sunlight. As the place where the family or friends congregate while meals are being prepared, the kitchen should be cheerful -- a bright, happy space conducive to easy conversation and relaxed comfort. Windows play an important role in achieving that mood. Kitchen window treatments can brighten the room even at night, when no natural light is present.
Cheerful window shades that introduce a jubilant palette and pattern ensure that the kitchen is as pleasant as it should be. In a kitchen filled with pattern on the walls and furnishings, consider shades in a solid color picked up from the palette -- a hue that blends with the dominant scheme while standing out as the all-important color.
Yellow, with its sunny qualities and mood-lifting capacity, has long been a favorite for the kitchen. On shades topped with a patterned valance, it defines the room's atmosphere, as well as its windows. For kitchens in which the walls are painted a bold, solid color, consider the opposite approach with shades:a striking pattern that repeats the dominant color, but couples it with another to prevent overkill.
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Matched Sets

One of the most put-together looks in a room's design is matching the window treatments and the walls. Repeating a fabric in both places creates unity, but it also requires a careful approach. When the walls are completely covered with a busy print that's fully repeated at the windows, the effect can end up resembling a motel room -- a space with not much character.
What's more, the room can unpleasantly encroach on our vision; no diversion is present to attract the eye. A better solution is to break up a single pattern by introducing another print or solid. This can be done on the walls, with one pattern above the chair-rail molding and another below, or with a different border print.

Breaking up too much of a good thing at the windows can be done with a literal break in the pattern -- a valance can be followed by bare window for several inches before the curtain picks up again. Or a multifaceted window treatment can incorporate more than one print. The important safeguard to keep in mind is avoiding too much of one thing.
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- Interior Decorating
The Handprint of Shades

Shades often prove to be the preferred window treatment for the kitchen -- their straightforward look is free of pleats, swags, and puddles that require maintenance. When presented in a snappy print, window shades accomplish two goals:They inject a carefree mood, and they fit into the working nature of the kitchen.
Although shades that match the wall covering or another fabric print found in the room can work when properly designed, contrasting prints reserved just for the shades ensure the window's role as a focal point of the room.

The new print for the window shade must somehow relate to the other patterns in the room -- either by repeating the same color, or by picking up a color from the overall room palette, or by relating to the wall-covering pattern in terms of scale.

A small-print wallpaper is handsomely matched with a small-scale plaid shade, for example. Or dark burgundy or rose in the kitchen palette bears repeating, in a different pattern configuration, on the window shade.
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Seamless Tradition

In historic or older houses in which antique or traditional bathroom fixtures are an integral feature, a streamlined window treatment for the bath may be inappropriate. The design goal is to create a bathroom decor that seamlessly integrates this room into the remainder of the house.
Traditional design, replete with patterned wall coverings, arrays of objects, and fabric window curtains, is the optimum solution. At the windows, this means selecting traditional prints for curtain patterns, then executing them in shapes that are timeless but still stylish.

Success is determined by how familiar, versus how fresh, the window treatments look. Both choices shown here are winners.
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- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
- Bedroom Decorating Ideas
- Bathroom Decorating Ideas
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- Interior Decorating
Robust With Red

Red window treatments can add a punch of color -- and excitement -- to a room. In addition to capturing the eye, color also influences mood, actually altering the way a person feels.
Red, more than any color, acts as a stimulant, increasing the flow of adrenaline, appetite, and animation. Used as the dominant color in diverse prints, as in the bathrooms shown here, red is the single ingredient that grabs the eye on these innovative window treatments.

Coupled with the unusual shapes of these window treatments, red has double the impact, announcing high style with a siren timbre.
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- Interior Decorating
Not-So-Precious Past

It's easy to update an older look by incorporating new window treatments. Old-fashioned bathroom fixtures such as a freestanding claw-foot tub and quaint pedestal sink are natural attention-getters, but their age doesn't call for deference. They can be fun.
When the past is honored but updated with a bold touch of the present, the effect has greater impact than letting yesteryear's features stand unaltered on their own.

The upbeat mood in these two bathrooms starts with the tub, claw-foots teased into the present with bright finishes. The mood is then picked up and accelerated at the windows, where treatments are equally fresh and a little funky.
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- Interior Decorating
All in the Family

Window treatments can an element of excitement or interest when they repeat colors or patterns found throughout the room. Used wisely, a multiplicity of patterns in a single space can energize a room with pulsating rhythm. Windows play a significant role in getting the job done, with the opportunity they afford for panels in one print and valances in another. The window fabrics need not be restricted to the windows only; often, they are found as accents elsewhere in the decor -- as throw pillows, comforters, bedsheets, or even wall borders.
But the two window fabrics don't have to literally repeat prints found elsewhere in the decor. By remaining in the same color scheme, they can take a bit of poetic license by mimicking other prints.

The idea is to pay careful attention to color, scale, and pattern, keeping all ingredients in the same family.
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- Cabin Decorating Ideas
- Country Decorating Ideas
- Modern Decorating Ideas
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- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
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- Interior Decorating
Painted Perimeters

Painting or stenciling is a popular option for window treatments. For the last several years, the full gamut of decorative paint finishes, from faux and trompe l'oeil to stenciling and freehand mural painting, have experienced a widespread renewal in home design.
Though centuries old, these techniques have been discovered anew, and the burgeoning interest in them only continues to grow stronger. Decorative painting offers special possibilities for dressing up the windows, complementing any attached treatment but also strong enough to stand alone.
One of the easiest do-it-yourself techniques to apply at the windows is stenciling. With a stencil pattern, anyone can master this treatment -- even those who literally can't draw a straight line. Classic checks and simple floral garlands are two of the most popular stencil patterns, but many variations of possibilities -- plus the spectrum of color options -- ensure a unique look.
For the homeowner a bit bolder with a paintbrush, freehand painting of ivy or a blooming trailing vine embellishes the window perimeters with handcrafted charm. Even cornices offer an opportunity to experiment with art, with stencil or freehand designs hand-painted directly onto the cornice board. Whatever the approach, the finished window expresses one-of-a-kind craftsmanship.
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- Interior Decorating

A thoughtfully-designed window treatment, such as one that's double-deckered and layered -- can be stylish in many types of rooms. In fact, one of the most finished looks in window treatment designs is a layered look -- a combination of a shaped valance and simpler tieback panels.
Though this treatment is too involved to work well in a contemporary decor, for a country English room, it can be an important tool in achieving the overall style. For bedrooms, the combination of an opulent valance and well-trimmed panels creates a lush, gracious look that's a perfect backdrop for an antique four-poster bed.

When a goal is to create a focal point at the window, consider a boldly fashioned valance in a deep color, contrasted with a pair of pair panels trimmed and tied back with the same rich valance hue. For a window treatment that's more integrated into the room design, use the same fabric on the valance and the tieback panels -- and maybe even on the wall covering.
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- Country Decorating Ideas
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- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
- Bedroom Decorating Ideas
- Bathroom Decorating Ideas
- Home Office Decorating Ideas
- Home Spaces Decorating Ideas
- Interior Decorating
A Window With -- and Without -- a View

Bedrooms, more than any other space in the home, provide one trick of the trade from the decorator's grab bag:the opportunity to use window treatments to not only dress the actual windows but to create new "windows" where none exist. The key lies in the bed -- a natural for a crowned fabric treatment on the wall behind it, which echoes the idea of a window dressing and in the same materials.
To keep the room visually unified, simply repeat the dressings found on the windows over the bed on the wall behind, using the same fabrics and the same design. This technique creates a false window that makes the bed a focal point.
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- Country Decorating Ideas
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- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
- Bedroom Decorating Ideas
- Bathroom Decorating Ideas
- Home Office Decorating Ideas
- Home Spaces Decorating Ideas
- Interior Decorating
Plethora of Pastel Patterns

Pastel patterned window treatments don't have the riveting, eye-grabbing effect of the more intense primary colors, but they are an equally viable option for decorating a child's room. What pastels lack in brightness is easily compensated for in pattern -- especially by a decor that incorporates more than one print.
Because of the colors' subtlety, different prints can appear on the floor, furnishings, bed, and walls -- with the window treatments marrying them all in a multipatterned dressing.
In the country French child's room shown here, with its charming pine sleigh bed and mosquito-style netting overhead, tab curtains repeat the pattern found on the chair and comforter at the borders, with the inner panels taking a more demure stance in white. An interior window box is covered in the border print of the wall covering.

In the nursery with the numeral theme, the windows repeat two of the patterns found elsewhere in the room. The scalloped-edge fabric shade, for instance, repeats the broken-line block motif of the chair-rail wall covering. The rod-pocket curtains feature a smaller size of the numeral print that spans the walls. The tiebacks are in the same fabric as the shade.
In both spaces, the goal is to keep the eye roving in lively curiosity.
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- Cabin Decorating Ideas
- Country Decorating Ideas
- Modern Decorating Ideas
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- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
- Bedroom Decorating Ideas
- Bathroom Decorating Ideas
- Home Office Decorating Ideas
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- Interior Decorating
Wedding Form to Function

Wedding form to function in window treatments can present a fun challenge if you have an odd-shaped window. With a little thought, these windows can inspire solutions that are every bit as unique as the windows themselves. It helps to look upon a window that goes beyond the standard rectangle as an advantage, part of the room's architectural riches.
The triangular corner window in this girl's bedroom, for example, has its unique shape underscored by a window treatment consisting of a double swag that drapes only on the long side of the window. For a nursery with a striking Palladian window, the unexpected solution is leaving the window in its natural wood state, then complementing that with natural shutters.
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- Country Decorating Ideas
- Modern Decorating Ideas
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- Kitchen Decorating Ideas
- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
- Bedroom Decorating Ideas
- Bathroom Decorating Ideas
- Home Office Decorating Ideas
- Home Spaces Decorating Ideas
- Interior Decorating
Tailored Tiebacks

One of the simplest and most tailored window treatments is formed with plain, straight-hanging side drapery panels held open with cloth tiebacks. The well-designed child's room can incorporate a tailored, simple look and still convey enough stimulation to get any child inspired by life.
If you like, the curtains can fall evenly for a flush hem all the way across, even when pulled back, to provide the tailored look you want. Unexpected touches to this basic look will brighten the room and stimulate the child.
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- Cabin Decorating Ideas
- Country Decorating Ideas
- Modern Decorating Ideas
- Decorating Ideas
- Kitchen Decorating Ideas
- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
- Bedroom Decorating Ideas
- Bathroom Decorating Ideas
- Home Office Decorating Ideas
- Home Spaces Decorating Ideas
- Interior Decorating
All the Way

Window treatments that flow all the way from the top of the window to the floor are elegant and simple. Long curtains without tiebacks, valances, cornices, or other decorative treatments are a mainstay in drapery design. For the family room, they are especially appropriate, providing necessary privacy and giving a dressed look without excess formality.
The large amount of fabric required in such a window treatment plays an important part in communicating the room's palette. When a print is the chosen material, the curtains are also a tool for imbuing the room with visual rhythm and should serve to unify the space through a repetition of color and pattern.
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- Cabin Decorating Ideas
- Country Decorating Ideas
- Modern Decorating Ideas
- Decorating Ideas
- Kitchen Decorating Ideas
- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
- Bedroom Decorating Ideas
- Bathroom Decorating Ideas
- Home Office Decorating Ideas
- Home Spaces Decorating Ideas
- Interior Decorating
Stellar Shades

For stellar shades, be mindful of allowing light to filter through the window treatment while maintaining privacy. This is especially necessary for sunrooms facing the street or neighbors' curious eyes; some privacy is warranted, but not at the expense of admitting the sun and views when desired.
Shades present an especially decorative solution, and one offering huge creative latitude. Let fabric play a role, either through festive pattern, demure neutral color, or soft, interesting texture.
Take the straight form of the shade and improvise, shirring the fabric for a rippled, wavy effect, or go for a billowy, three-dimensional look with a bow-tied, swallow-tailed treatment. Or keeping the window simple for a clean-lined, contemporary space, pad a neutral fabric and shape it to bend at the edges for only the most subtle of design statements.
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- Cabin Decorating Ideas
- Country Decorating Ideas
- Modern Decorating Ideas
- Decorating Ideas
- Kitchen Decorating Ideas
- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
- Bedroom Decorating Ideas
- Bathroom Decorating Ideas
- Home Office Decorating Ideas
- Home Spaces Decorating Ideas
- Interior Decorating
Frosting on the Cake

Sunrooms with multiple-paned windows can resemble a wedding cake -- the rows of windowpanes forming the individual tiers -- and the window treatments can be the frosting on the cake. The windows themselves play the leading role here, gracing the room with the seemingly disparate qualities of richness and delicacy.
And in the best sunrooms, the window treatments are accordingly light -- only a frothy touch of frosting. For a half-round wall of windows, stationary panels trimmed with shirred tiebacks decorate the sides, with only a narrow band of shirred fabric punctuated with rosettes spanning the full width. No, privacy isn't ensured here, but with the garden views outside, who needs it?
For more decorating ideas around the home, see:
- Cabin Decorating Ideas
- Country Decorating Ideas
- Modern Decorating Ideas
- Decorating Ideas
- Kitchen Decorating Ideas
- Dining Room Decorating Ideas
- Bedroom Decorating Ideas
- Bathroom Decorating Ideas
- Home Office Decorating Ideas
- Home Spaces Decorating Ideas
- Interior Decorating