Así que te encanta la idea de la jardinería.
Te encanta la belleza de las enredaderas retorcidas y los productos abultados.
Te encanta contarles a tus amigos el éxito de tu calabaza y los premios que han ganado tus patatas.
Te encantan los deliciosos productos, a pasos de tu cocina.
Lo que odias, es el trabajo. Los largos días pasados al aire libre, el sol golpeando tu espalda y los mosquitos picándote en los tobillos. La mala hierba con más encarnaciones que el Terminator. Las plantas que nunca parecen crecer bien, o a veces nunca crecen.
Estás en el lugar correcto.
Esta lista contiene 15 vegetales fáciles de cultivar en su jardín trasero. Estos vegetales de jardín simples requieren un esfuerzo mínimo, pocas habilidades y pocos conocimientos de jardinería, pero producen abundantes cosechas.
Verduras fáciles de cultivar para principiantes
Las papas no son una planta exigente, pero son fáciles de cultivar.
El momento preferido para empezar a cultivar patatas es unas semanas después de la última helada; sin embargo, realmente puedes cultivarlos cuando quieras. También pueden crecer donde sea. En un jardín elevado, el Four Seasons de los recipientes para patatas, una maceta grande, el Holiday Inn de los recipientes para patatas, o una bolsa de basura llena de tierra, el Motel 6 de los recipientes para patatas.
Las papas no solo son flexibles en su capacidad para prosperar en muchas condiciones, sino que también pueden cultivar muchas otras papas a partir de algo tan pequeño como un trozo de papa. Planta la chatarra en el suelo, cúbrela adecuadamente, riégala regularmente y producirá una cosecha abundante.
Las papas, a menos que estén fritas, son una gran fuente de nutrientes. Comer una patata con piel puede proporcionarte todos los nutrientes que necesitas para el día. Curiosamente, las patatas incluso contienen más potasio que los plátanos. ¿Tienes hambre de más datos divertidos sobre las papas?
Esta fruta especiada está que arde cuando se trata de lo fácil que es cultivarla.
Los pimientos requieren muy poco mantenimiento y son un excelente planta de contenedores Puede cultivar todo tipo de pimientos (pimientos morrones, pimientos jalapeños, pimientos banana) en el interior de su ventana. Solo asegúrate de que su contenedor esté lleno de tierra que drene fácilmente y contenga materia orgánica, y que esté en un lugar con mucha luz solar.
Una vez que plantes los pimientos, continúa regándolos con frecuencia y en 2 o 3 meses tendrás productos. Los pimientos picantes pueden tardar hasta 5 meses.
Los pimientos también son increíbles plantas de compañía. Prosperan específicamente cuando se cultivan con albahaca y perejil; sin embargo, los pimientos son autopolinizadores, por lo que en realidad no necesitan otras plantas para crecer. Los pimientos morrones tienen beneficios increíbles, como estimular el sistema inmunológico, apoyar la pérdida de peso y mejorar la salud de los ojos.
El compuesto químico capsaicina, que se encuentra en los pimientos picantes, puede ayudar a perder peso al elevar la temperatura corporal, hacer que su cuerpo use más energía y aumentar su metabolismo.
Judías verdes
Las judías verdes se han convertido rápidamente en uno de los vegetales más comunes para cultivar en los jardines. Este rápido ascenso a la fama fue impulsado por su rápida producción de crecimiento comestible. Solo se necesitan dos meses para que las judías verdes estén listas para la cosecha.
No solo su crecimiento es rápido, una vez que los plantes, continuarán reproduciéndose de manera constante. Puedes cosechar judías verdes con frecuencia. Esto no solo le proporcionará continuamente deliciosas judías verdes para comer, sino que también promoverá el crecimiento de más judías verdes en su planta.
¡Para que puedas cultivar tus vegetales y comerlos también!
Remoje sus judías verdes en agua tibia durante un día antes de plantarlas para acelerar su ya rápido proceso de germinación. El suelo en el que los plantes debe tener al menos 65 °F, buen drenaje y rico en nutrientes, preferiblemente con fertilizante orgánico.
Green beans can boost your immune system, heart, and eye health. Green beans are low in fat and cholesterol, but high in fiber. They contain vitamins A, C, K, and B6, and minerals like calcium, iron, manganese, and potassium.
Tomatoes are one of the most popular vegetables to grow in America. This is because they are hearty plants and absolutely delicious.
The most difficult part about growing tomatoes is deciding which type you want to grow. There are over 25,000 types of tomatoes to choose from! If you get a determinate tomato plant it will be extremely easy to manage:determinate tomato plants will only grow to a specific, predetermined height.
You can easily plant determinate tomatoes in containers. Make sure the soil you plant them in is nutrient-rich, and that you water tomatoes regularly. Tomatoes, especially those grown in containers, are very thirsty plants.
Basil, chives, mint, and sage are great companion plants to plant near tomatoes. Plus, you can use the basil with the tomatoes to make a Caprese salad after you harvest them.
Tomatoes are technically fruits, however, the nutrition they supply is more similar to vegetables. They contain a large amount of vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin K, and are high in potassium.
Broccoli is not only tasty and nutritious, it is also is fairly easy to grow.
It requires very little care throughout its growing cycle. Additionally, it’s common for broccoli to not just yield one crop a year, but rather, two. That means that for very little work you will get two harvests of broccoli.
If that doesn’t appeal to a lazy gardener, I don’t know what does.
Broccoli is a hardy plant, which is what makes it good for beginners. It can thrive in soil that is as low as 20°F but grows better in temperatures between 45°F to 75°F. Plant your broccoli in a spot with full sunlight, in soil that is rich, full of organic-material, and fertilized. You have to water your broccoli plant frequently because it requires moist, soggy soil.
Broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables on Earth. It is full of antioxidants which reduce inflammation and cellular damage and boost human health.
Can’t you see? Carrots are a great vegetable to grow!
Carrots are not only delicious, they also include necessary nutrients for eye health, including beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin.
They are a very easy vegetable to grow as long as you know the proper way to care for them. The biggest grievance growers have with carrots is that sometimes there can be deformities in growth, however, this issue can be attributed to them being planted in rocky, nutrient-poor soil. If you plant your carrots in a sandy soil that drains well and water them regularly, you should have very few problems with their growth and harvest. A great way to mitigate this problem is to micromanage the soil by planting carrots in containers.
Carrots can handle some cold weather, although they prefer temps between 60°F- 70°F.
While jack-o-lanterns may be scary, planting pumpkins is not!
Pumpkins are a fool-proof plant:if you plant their seeds in a remotely correct way, they will grow.
Plant a few seeds an inch deep into nutritious soil that is at least 70°F. Pumpkins love the warmth and love sunlight, so they need to be in a spot that gets at least 6 hours of sun each day.
You have to frequently water pumpkins, thoroughly drenching the soil around them. You also have to ensure that your pumpkins are getting enough pollen because they rely on pollen to successfully grow. To ensure this, consider hand-pollinating them or planting thyme, sage, or mint as companion plants because they attract pollinators.
Plant your pumpkins in the summer so they are ready for Halloween and Thanksgiving. Pumpkins are scary good at keeping your body healthy. They have an extremely high vitamin A content. Vitamin A can improve your vision, immune system functioning, and rate of cell growth.
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes may not be the easiest vegetable on this list, but they sure are one of the tastiest!
Who isn’t sweet on sweet potatoes?
Sweet potatoes, unlike other vegetables, must be grown from slips. Slips are shoots within a mature sweet potato. You first have to prepare the slip sprouts by placing them half in a glass of water and leaving them in the sun for a few weeks.
You can then move them to your garden, but make sure that the soil is loose and well-drained before you plant.
Once all of the slips are planted, water them, soaking them and the surrounding dirt. Sweet potatoes love water but can survive without it, withstanding droughts. However, when they are under-watered they produce less.
Sweet potatoes are loaded with beta-carotene and vitamin A. Beta-carotene promotes skin, vision, and respiratory health.
Why did you invite mushrooms to the vegetable party?
Because they are a fun guy!
While that joke may have been unpalatable, mushrooms are not. They are extremely delicious and easy to grow. If you are a beginner grower, a great option for growing them is a mushroom growing kit. Mushroom growing kits require almost no skills, experience, or tools. The only thing that you need is the kit itself.
Root Mushroom Farm Growing Kit

- Everything you need to grow mushrooms. There are different kits for King Oyster, Shitake, or Cordyceps Militaris.
If you choose to grow mushrooms from spores or spawn, it can also be a fun and simple process, requiring a cool, dark, damp place to grow the mushrooms. You will need to initially heat them for a few weeks so that the spores can take root, establishing an ability to grow. After a few weeks, cover the mushrooms with potting soil and a damp cloth. Spray the cloth whenever it dries out for the next month.
By the end of the month, you should have the beginnings of mushrooms!
Mushrooms are not only tasty, they are also good for you, having a high selenium content, which supports your immune system and prevents cell and tissue damage.
Don’t start crying, onions are included on this list.
Save those tears when you have to cut your freshly harvested backyard onions.
There are three simple options for growing onions; they can be planted by seed, transplant, or sets. Onion sets are by far the simplest way to grow onions. Merely plant the bulbs in your garden, keep the soil evenly moist around them, and make sure that they are getting adequate sunlight. Make sure to pull weeds from around the onions, mulch, and fertilize every couple weeks.
Before you know it you will be able to harvest your very own, homegrown onions.
Onions are great to eat because they are absolutely packed with nutrients and antioxidants. They can boost your heart health, bone density, and digestive capabilities. Green
The smell, the taste, there is so much to love about garlic.
Garlic is an incredible food.
What is really incredible, though, is how easy it is to grow.
You can easily grow garlic sprouts in your home with nothing more than a container, water, and garlic.
Fill a container with water, fully covering the bottom, but not much more than that. Take a garlic clove that is already sprouting and place it in the container so its bottom is just touching the water. Leave it in a sunny spot. Make sure you change the water frequently, whenever it looks murky or cloudy.
That’s it!
Before you know it you will be able to harvest garlic sprouts to put in your food.
Garlic sprouts, in particular, have powerful health benefits. Sprouts that have grown out for five days have some of the highest antioxidant levels of any vegetables, by far surpassing the antioxidant levels of normal garlic.
Who doesn’t love zucchini?
Take how much you love zucchini and multiply that by 10. That is how much you will love homegrown zucchini.
To successfully grow zucchinis you need to plant seeds 3-6 feet apart from each other in nutrient-rich soil that is well-composted. Hill the zucchinis, meaning surround them with other zucchini plants. Plant them in a sunny spot, after warm weather hits.
Zucchinis abhor the cold.
Other than their dramatic dislike for the cold, zucchinis are very low-maintenance plants. For the lack of work you will need to put in, it will blow your mind how many zucchinis you will harvest. This green veggie is a prolific producer.
Plant cucumbers in rich soil with a high nitrogen content in a sunny spot next to a fence. If such a miraculously perfect spot is available in your yard, your cucumbers will thrive, using the fence as a shelter and place for vines to crawl up.
Cucumbers can be tricky to grow in containers because they require huge pots and must be placed in a very sunny spot; however, if you are committed to container gardening, it is posible. Water them frequently.
Cucumbers are a great source of hydration for the body. Water is crucial to bodily functions like temperature regulation and digestion, and impacts your ability to perform physically and intellectually. You can get up to 40% of your daily water intake from food. Cucumbers are 96% water.
Squash is a hardy, heat-loving plant.
Plant squash in organic-matter-containing, loose, moist soil after the last frost. Configure the seeds in hills with 4-5 seeds per hill that will be thinned down to a few plants. Make sure that you regularly water the plants and that you heavily mulch them.
It takes a couple of months for squash to fully mature. They are well worth the wait though, the taste of homegrown squash is unparalleled.
Squash also has natural immune system boosting properties. Squash seeds are an incredible multi-purpose remedy, creating antiparasitic, antimicrobial, and antifungal activity in your body.
Lettuce is a very chill, cold weather plant.
It thrives in cold weather so plant it either in the fall or the spring. Lettuce seedlings are hardy so they can survive through some frost.
Being a prolific grower, small crops of lettuce will keep producing for months. That means salad bowl after salad bowl for you!
That is if the pests don’t get to your lettuce.
To help ward them away, consider planting garlic and chives with it as companion plants.
Lettuce is very useful for people with sleep problems. It contains lactucarium which helps you relax and increases your sleep quality. It has a similar chemical structure to opium and shares some properties with it. Fortunately (or unfortunately, maybe), lettuce is not addictive.
Container Gardening
Just because you are growing easy garden vegetables does not mean that they have to be in your garden. It is easy to grow vegetables, fruits, herbs, everything, in containers.
Container gardening is ideal for someone who doesn’t have an established garden yet or doesn’t have lawn space to create one. You can sit your container on your balcony, patio, or even indoors. Your container can be a pot, pan, barrel, or anything, depending on how large your plant will grow.
What is necessary is that your container does have drainage holes so that water can run through your plant’s soil. What container you use, and where you put it, will largely depend on what kind of plant you are growing within it. A container that is 1.5 feet tall will work well for most vegetables.
Containers also have the benefit of creating a weed-free environment, unless you are filling them with soil from your garden.
Easy Herbs to Grow
A great place to start gardening is with herbs. They are extremely resilient and easy to take care of. They also can make great companion plants for vegetables and will add extra flavor to the dishes you make with your newly harvested veggies.
Consult the list below for some easy-to-grow herbs!
- Basil
- Parsley
- Chives
- Mint
- Oregano
- Rosemary
- Sage
- Thyme
- Cilantro
I hope this guide to the easiest vegetables to grow helped you decide what you want to plant this season. Of course, all of the above options are incredible, so I do understand if I have just made the choice more agonizing.
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